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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Saturday's Food

Wow, it has been a few days. The rest of last week was according to plan, except on Friday. I took a free day because I was meeting friends for sushi for dinner and knew I would be eating way more grains that I should.

Yesterday J got home but I was able to follow the plan during the day and so I had enough slashes of everything to eat okay.

I had 3 oil and 2 dairy slashes at the end of the day so I ate:

3 veggies
3 fruits
1 dairy
4 proteins
4 grains
2 oils/spreads
6 sugars

I got a walk in on Friday but yesterday I was pretty much going all day to get things done around here.

Today it is cold again (with 70s later in the week) so I will try to get a walk in this afternoon when the warmth peaks (47 degrees), and maybe some indoor stuff. On Monday, I plan to start making the gym a part of everyday (just for lifting weights). If I do that, and do cardio at home or outside, then I don't have to be in the gym for very long but the muscles will help boost my metabolism some and I need the boost.

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