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Sunday, February 07, 2010

Mishka's Sunday

Probably not the best thing to start back on my program the weekend of the Superbowl, but when you reach the bottom, you don't get to decide when it happens.

Any progress I had made over the holidays feels like it has all been lost in the last few weeks. There were many contributing factors but reality is that if I had wanted to be good, I could have been good (even if I wasn't able to work out). So I don't have anyone to blame but myself...

So today was the beginning of my path back...hopefully I will be able to include some exercise in the new future!!


2 pancakes with syrup
4 oz glass of nf milk
Coffee with nf milk and sugar


Roast beef and cheddar sandwich on multigrain bread
12 oz of iced tea


Shrimp w/o cocktail sauce
1 serving of cashews

Total calorie intake= 1420 calories

I am also putting a limit on myself of no food what so ever after 7pm...too much late eating has been going on and I need to put a stop to that. I am sure I will wake up very hungry tomorrow with this drastic cut in calories today but that is okay, I know it only lasts a few days and then I get adjusted to the new limits.

Once I start exercising, I won't be worried as much about the calories, but on the days when I don't get any exercise, I need to keep a close eye on my food intake.

1 comment:

Chicken said...

Yeah I have the late night eating problem too.

I have recommitted as well. We can do it!!