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Monday, April 05, 2010

Mishka's Monday


1 bagel w/cream cheese and 2 slices of ham
Lg coffee w/nonfat milk and sugar


1 slice of ham
1 slice of roastbeef
1 tbs of sweet potatoes
1 serving of corn
1 serving of carrots
1 serving of green beans
1 scoop of mash potatoes w/1 tbs gravy
1 roll
1 bowl of salad
1 chocolate dipped marshmellow
2 chocolate dipped banana pieces


1 hour lifting weights, chests, triceps, and abs (circuit style)
30 mins of walking


Salad w/carrots, tomato, sunflower seeds, and bell pepper
1 tbs of ranch dressing
1 protein drink w/banana and lowfat milk
1 Fuji apple

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