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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Mishka's Wednesday


3 egg whites, 1 egg yolk, with 1 tsp oil, onion, garlic, cilantro and salsa (1 of my fats)
1 banana (1 of my fruits)
1 cup of coffee (cheat, 1 tsp organic sugar, nonfat milk)
16 oz of water (2 of my waters)


40 mins circuit training
16 oz of water (2 of my waters)


6 oz of steamed salmon
10 steamed brussel sprouts
16 oz of water (2 of my waters)

(at Christmas party)

Spinach, lettuce and chicken salad with sesame dressing
1 1/2 slices of cheese pizza (cheat)
2 glasses of pinot noir (cheat)
16 oz of water (2 of my waters)
1 cup of roasted peanuts

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